So it's already Monday again. It seems crazy that I have one week
until transfers. Which means I will probably get a "mom" meaning, a
second trainer. Elder Roper has been in this area for 6 months now, so
we pretty much know he is leaving. He is my "dad" and the next trainer
will be my "mom". You know what's cool!? My "grandpa" is one of the
APs! That's a good bloodline I think.
So this next transfer we probably will have 2 different elders in our
apartment, seeing as me and elder Wilkes have only been in this area
for one transfer. That's cool though because me and elder Wilkes get
along pretty well haha. We both speak in this "retarded", voice as my
dad would say. I don't know if you saw my video last week of Elder
Wilkes coming at me and me screaming in that stupid voice, hahaha. So
this upcoming week will bing surprises, as we figure out about
transfers this Friday.
Oh by the way Hannah, yes Laksmi can use my jacket... Haha I'm across
the country. I can't do anything about it.
Speaking of that, it turns that the Peterson Lane Ward here in the
Santa Rosa Stake, will soon have 3 missionaries serving out on the
east coast area! One just got his call to Pennsylvania, and the other
two are at Georgia and North Carolina. I guess the church likes
sending us as far away in the US as we can get. That's cool though.
So Granny asked me about my talk! It was on prophets, and I used
Russell M. Nelson's talk just in this conference on sustaining the
prophets. I thought it was pretty good, but that's just me.. Haha.
This week was fast Sunday of course, and our testimony meeting was
surprisingly good. We had this random guy that Elder roper asked to
come to church, actually come! He sat right next to me and asked all
these questions I never think about, like us all raising our right
hands. Haha I got to explain that stuff to someone who barely knew
anything. The testimony meeting I could really feel the spirit in. The
mission president and his wife kind of surprised us by being in our
sacrament meeting, and Sister Alba bore her testimony, and she's just
the nicest most sincere person ever! It was amazing. Just for all of
your information, all of the elders who were in the car accident up in
Eureka are now released from the hospital, and they will be ok. Sister
Alba talked briefly about how they were doing. Thank you all for your
I bet you all are wondering what we do on Halloween! I was too haha.
Well that night we went to "Thomas the Convert's" house, as we call
him, and are a bunch of pizza. It was hilarious because there was
probably 20 missionaries in his garage eating pizza as trick or
treaters started showing up and going to his door. We all had the same
costume! Of course, we weren't allowed to actually dress up. And we
literally were not allowed to go out and proselyte that night. They
said, "go do your planning until 9 pm!" Elder Roper and I tried to do
this, but going that late trying to do weekly planning, let's just say
we lost it a little! We kind of wanted to go down one street, try to
trick or treat and see what people did. Then we wanted to go down that
same street the next day and tract it. We thought that would be
absolutely hilarious, but certainly not beneficial. Don't worry, we
didn't. :)
So we are still trying to find people, and still teaching that less
active in our Ward who randomly asked us to teach her the lessons.
It's eye opening to see people's concerns, when sometimes I feel like
my eyes have been so closed to all the concerns people can possibly
have. They were talking about being concerned to raise their future
family in the church. In my head I was like, listen to what you are
saying! But they don't trust people in the church to adequately
fulfill their calling I guess. It's hard to address some of these
concerns. But in this lesson yesterday, I could feel the spirit
guiding me, and I didn't feel so lost. It's amazing when you can tell
you didn't think of what you are saying, because the spirit said it
through you.
On each fast Sunday we do a "Mighty Hour of Prayer" which is where you
kneel down and pray for literally, an hour. Let me tell you, that is
one slow hour. Especially when you just found out the member who was
going to feed you to break your fast just cancelled. Needless to say I
was angry and grumpy. But as I kneeled and tried to let my anger
leave, and talk to Heavenly Father, an amazing thing happened. I found
myself basically bearing my testimony to God. I was just speaking, and
words came out, and I knew that I knew them. I understood Joseph Smith
when he said, "I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not
deny it.." If you pray, even if you don't feel like it, you can see a
miracle. Like Brigham young said, if you don't feel like praying, get
on your knees until you do feel like it. An hour is certainly enough
time to feel like praying. I testify in the name of Jesus Christ that
God is really there and wants to talk to you, he just can't do that if
we don't use our spiritual ears. We have to open ourself to the
spirit, and then we can know for sure, as Joseph Smith explains, and
as I felt myself.
Thank you everyone for all the emails and for caring about me! It
helps a lot. I love you all, and hope I can be an instrument in the
lords hands.
Elder Janson
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